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Energy API

The Energy API enables you to read energy consumption, emission, or cost data for a location or a meter in the granularity and for the period of interest.

The API is available as an add-on in combination with an active Building X Energy Manager subscription. Building X Energy Manager customers with a Navigator conversion subscription cannot use the API.

Concepts & Glossary

Term Description
Medium-consumption A Medium-Consumption determines the consumption of some medium for some discipline (today consumption groups) of a location (e.g., building) or a meter equipment over a period.
Consumption Consumption provides the consumption of a location or measured by a Meter-Equipment that is derived from its meter readings.
Costs Costs provide the costs calculated based on defined tariffs in Building X Energy Manager and the measured consumption.
Emissions Emissions provide the emissions calculated based on defined emission conversion factors in Building X Energy Manager and the measured consumption.


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