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Sensor Energy Data by Floor

The API returns energy consumption in watt-hour for all fixtures on the floor. For example, if ten fixtures are on the floor, the API provides details for each fixture.


GET https://{em_ip_address_or_hostname}/ems/api/org/sensor/v2/sensorEnergyStats/15min/floor/



Name Description
em_ip_address_or_hostname Manage’s IP address or hostname
floor_id Floor identifier. Use the Get All Floors API, or in EM, select Facility > Floor in the left panel, and click the Settings tab to obtain the Floor ID.
from_date Start date to display energy consumption data. Format: (yyyyMMddHHmmss) year/month/day/hour/minutes/seconds.
to_date End date to stop displaying energy consumption data. Format: (yyyyMMDDHHmmss) year/month/day/hour/minutes/seconds.


Name Description
id Sensor Identifier.
name Floor name.
baseenergy Displays the base energy of the fixture. Base energy is when the fixture’s light level is always maintained at full-on without making any changes to the light level.
energy Energy consumed by the fixture on the floor.
savedEnergy Energy saved by the fixture on the floor.
occSavings Energy savings for the fixture on the floor determined by occupancy nearby the fixture.
ambientSavings Ambient savings for the fixture on the floor based on the ambient light level measured by the fixture.
tuneupSavings Shows savings due to profiles set up for fixtures.
manualSavings Manual savings for the fixture on the floor based on when the fixture was controlled manually.
dimLevel Shows the dim level output of the fixtures (0-100%).
- 0% - Light level is set to off;
- 100% - Light level is set to full-on.

Sample Request

Using the Floor ID '1' returned by the Get All Floors API, request energy consumption for all fixtures on the floor from 4:30 am through 5:30 am on Feb. 12, 2019. The sample response includes energy consumption in watt-hour for two fixtures on the floor.

/1/20190312043500 /20190314043500

Sample Response


  "sensorEnergyStatss": {

    "sensorEnergyStats": {

      "intervalStart":   "2019-02-12T04:35:00+05:30",

      "sensor": [

          "id":     "4",
          "name":   "Sensor00c05f",
          "baseEnergy":   "21.6",
          "energy":       "0.00",
          "savedEnergy":  "21.60",
          "occSavings":   "16.20",
          "dimLevel":     "0.0"
          "id":     "5",
          "name":   "Sensor00caa9",
          "baseEnergy":   "21.6",
          "energy":       "12.57",
          "savedEnergy":  "9.03",
          "occSavings":   "0.00",
          "dimLevel":     "60.0"



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