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Siemens API Catalogue on Postman Network

Our API Catalogue is available on the Public API Network hosted by Postman which makes it very easy to create a mock server for Siemens APIs, so that you can play with the APIs also without having access to the corresponding API Products. Some products also offer test / start for free accounts. The contact information is published in the developer documentation in the contact pages.


You may also just search for "Siemens Xcelerator Developer Portal" in postman search to find to find our postman workspace.

Forking a Collection

Even though the OpenAPI and AsyncAPI specifications of Siemens APIs are available on the developer portal, the easiest way to use Siemens APIs is to fork the postman collection you are interested in.

In this example we will use the Carbon Footprint Indicator for Transportation API. The full documentation for this API is available here.

After navigating to the API click on the fork button in the upper right corner. This will create your own copy of the collection.

Fork Collection

It is a good idea to watch the original collection, so that you get updated when a new version of the collection is published.

Created Fork


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