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mdsp configure-agent Command


mdsp configure-agent


mdsp configure-agent --help

Alternative form:

mc configure-agent

(The CLI was using mc as default command name in older versions)


create data source configuration and mappings (optional: passkey) *


Parameter list:

Usage: mdsp configure-agent|co [options]

create data source configuration and mappings (optional: passkey) *

 -c, --config config file with agent configuration
 -m, --mode [mode] command mode [config|map|print|delete|test|func|template] (default: "config")
 -a, --agentid agentid
 -i, --assetid target assetid for mapping
 -t, --typeid asset type for configuration
 -l, --language [js|python|json] target language for conversion function (default: "js")
 -s, --timespan timespan between generated timestamps (in ms) (default: "1000")
 -c, --count Number of generated records (default: "10")
 -k, --passkey passkey
 -y, --retry retry attempts before giving up (default: "3")
 -v, --verbose verbose output
 -h, --help display help for command


Here are some examples of how to use the mdsp configure-agent command:


 mdsp configure-agent --config agent.json -assetid 1234567...89 configures agent for specified assetid
 mdsp configure-agent --config agent.json --mode print prints data source configuration and mappings
 mdsp configure-agent --agentid 12345..ef --typeid .Engine creates the data source configuration
 mdsp configure-agent --mode map --agentid 12345..ef --assetid 1234567 creates the mappings for assetid
 mdsp configure-agent --mode delete --agentid 12345..ef deletes the mappings for agentid
 mdsp configure-agent --config agent.json --mode test sends test data to Insights Hub
 mdsp configure-agent --mode template \
 --typeid castidev.Pump --language python create mapping template and function in python

See Insights Hub API documentation for more information about Insights Hub APIs.


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