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mdsp data-lake Command


mdsp data-lake


mdsp data-lake --help

Alternative form:

mc data-lake

(The CLI was using mc as default command name in older versions)


manage data lake, data lake access permissions and STS tokens *


Parameter list:

Usage: mdsp data-lake|dlk [options]

manage data lake, data lake access permissions and STS tokens *

 -m, --mode [...] mode: list | read | write | delete | readtoken | writetoken | uploadurl | downloadurl | upload | meta |
 subscriptions | subscribe | unsubscribe (default: "list")
 -f, --file file to upload
 -l, --shell [bash|ps|cmd] output format for STS token [bash | ps | cmd] (default: "bash")
 -p, --path path for read/write token or uploadUrl, downloadUrl, subscribe or unsubscribe comamand
 -t, --destination destination for subscribe comamand
 -i, --permissionid permission id for delete operation
 -s, --subtenantid subtenant id
 -b, --subscriptionid subscription id
 -d, --duration duration in seconds (default: "3600")
 -k, --passkey passkey
 -y, --retry retry attempts before giving up (default: "3")
 -v, --verbose verbose output
 -h, --help display help for command


Here are some examples of how to use the mdsp data-lake command:


 mdsp data-lake --mode list lists all configured permissions for data lake
 mdsp data-lake --mode write allow writing to the data lake
 mdsp data-lake --mode write --path data/ allow writing to the data lake from data/ folder
 mdsp data-lake --mode meta --path data/ get metadata for path
 mdsp data-lake --mode readtoken create AWS STS Token with read rights
 mdsp data-lake --mode writetoken create AWS STS Token with write rights from data lake root
 mdsp data-lake --mode writetoken --path data/ create AWS STS Token with write rights from data/ folder
 mdsp data-lake --mode delete --permissionid delete writing permission with selected permissionid
 mdsp data-lake --mode upload --file --path uploads/ upload file to data lake
 mdsp data-lake --mode downloadurl --path uploads/ generate download url for the path
 mdsp data-lake --mode subscriptions list all data lake event subscriptions
 mdsp data-lake --mode subscribe --path --destination aws-sns:// subscribe an AWS SNS topic to folder changes
 mdsp data-lake --mode unsubscribe --subscriptionid delete event subscription

 Additional Information:

 Purchasing Data Lake:
 Data Lake APIs:

See Insights Hub API documentation for more information about Insights Hub APIs.


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