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Gateway Details by Floor

The API returns details for all gateways on the floor.


GET https://{em_ip_address_or_hostname}/ems/api/org/floor/v1/{floor_id}/gateways



Name Description
em_ip_address_or_hostname Manage’s IP address or hostname
floor_id Floor identifier. Use the Get All Floors API, or in EM, select Facility > Floor in the left panel, and click the Settings tab to obtain the Floor ID.


Name Description
id Gateway Identifier.
name Gateway name.
xaxis Scaled reference of the distance measured in the horizontal dimension from the lower-left corner of the uploaded floor plan.
yaxis Scaled reference of the distance measured in the vertical dimension from the lower-left corner of the uploaded floor plan.
lastComm Time of last sensor communication (YYYY-MM-DD 24HH-MM:SS.sssZ).
commStatus Communication status of the gateway: Okay, Out
macAddress Gateway MAC address. NOTE: Manage does not store leading zeros when saving or returning MAC/SNAP addresses. For example, "00:c0:17" will be stored as "0:c0:17”.
localIpAddressCurrent Gateway IP address.

Sample Request

Using the Floor ID '1' returned by the Get All Floors sample response, request gateway details for all gateways on the floor.


Sample Response

  "gateway": [
        "id": "2",
        "name": "GWf9c730",
        "xaxis": "3285",
        "xaxis": "3848",
        "lastComm": "2020-10-19T05:33:04.852Z",
        "commStatus": "okay",   
        "macAddress": "0-B3-D6-63-C1-23",
        "localIpAddressCurrent": ""
        "id": "3",
        "name": "GWf9efa7",
        "xaxis": "2952",
        "xaxis": "4449",
        "lastComm": "2020-10-19T04:32:02.202Z",
        "commStatus": "okay",
        "macAddress": "0-B3-D6-63-C1-23", 
        "localIpAddressCurrent": ""    
        "id": "4",
        "name": "GWf9c726",
        "xaxis": "2351",
        "xaxis": "3715",
        "lastComm": "2020-10-19T05:33:04.854Z",
        "commStatus": "okay",
        "macAddress": "0-B3-D6-63-C1-23",  
        "localIpAddressCurrent": ""   
        "id": "5",
        "name": "GWf9c737",
        "xaxis": "2902",
        "xaxis": "2397",
        "lastComm": "2020-10-19T04:44:04.853Z",
        "commStatus": "out",
        "macAddress": "0-B3-D6-63-C1-23", 
        "localIpAddressCurrent": ""  


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