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Data Type: tag

Context: The "tag" data type provides comprehensive information about tracked objects, including their location and motion.

Function: It offers a broad range of data, including position, zone, motion status, battery details, etc. This data type serves as a comprehensive data source for managing tagged objects.

Use Case: You can use "tag" data to gain a holistic view of tagged objects, tracking their location, battery status, and motion behaviour, making it a versatile data type for various applications.

Property Type Notes
tagId UUID
tagMac string (mac address - uppercase, no delimiter)
floor string
zone string
computationTimestamp datetime The time at which the zone was computed
rawDataTimestamp datetime The time at which the most recent raw data was received
motion bool Whether or not motion is detected
displayCoordinates object containing x and y properties
batteryVoltage optional float
batteryLevel optional string One of CRITICAL, LOW, MEDIUM, GOOD, and FULL if present
batteryVoltageTimestamp optional datetime The time at which the most recent battery message was received
buttonStatus optional object containing tamper and attention boolean properties
buttonTimestamp optional datetime The time at which the most recent button message was received
schemaVersion int Always 1 in this release


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